About the unstable state on some platforms

Thanks for all positive and negative feedbacks of v0.10. So sorry that v0.10 is unstable on Android4.0, NDK r7 and Linux. Using Android 2.x 3.x with NDK r5~r7, and Windows to develop cocos2d-x game is recommended temporarily.

I have fixed [[Compilation on ndk-r7]] to make the script can auto-judgement in feature #887, and today I restart http://jenkins.cocos2d-x.org to do continuous integration again. Our jenkins is ruined after a system upgrade by VPS provider at about 2 months ago. I waste 3 hours to fixed it in this afternoon. Tonight ios4.3, ios5.0, android r5, r6, r7 darwin are successfully built. Tomorrow I will try to add shell scripts for Linux 32bit, Linux 64bit, Blackberry QNX, Bada 1.0, Bada 2.0, Marmalade to check the edge version reliable enough.