About cocos-ide

version : cocos2d-ide-win32-1.0.0-rc0

create new project “CocosJSGame”.

Run cocos JSB in win32 , Normal.

click “Run in browser” , “blank screen” in My chrome…

Which version of Cocos2d-JS are you using with the code IDE ?

framework version : cocos2d-js-v3.0-beta

I have reported this topic to Cocos Code IDE group, thanks for your feed back

cocos2d-js-v3.0-rc1 is best js version for cocos2d-ide-win32-1.0.0-rc0.So you can download rc1 for it.and i test run in chrome web on window. it is ok


I can’t run on cocos2d-js-v3.0-rc1.

Can you tell me your information, the following figure.



don’t care the configure,if you just run on web,

“I can’t run on cocos2d-js-v3.0-rc1.”
what’s errors?


Re:still blank on chrome…

Need do something before Running(Web)?

New engine entry configuration only applies in new projects, if you created your project before change the engine path, the old project won’t work.

Can you try to create a new project with rc1 and give it a try?

Good news…

Have been solved.

安装了VS2012之后,chrome在加载页面的时候会报 Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain 的警告。



1.WIN+R 打开运行框,输入“regedit”进入注册表。


2.在“计算机/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.js”目录下找到Content Type键,将其值改为“text/javascript"。或则,可以将倒数两个键删除,因为在安装vs2012之前,这两个键是不存在的,当卸载vs2012之后也是一样。

Above, need to restart the computer