A tricky problem on some Androids

Hi everyone,
Quite new for this place and want to say hi for everyone!
Cocos-2d-x is an awesome tool to create 2d games on iOS/Android.
I’m Tim and my team is using cocos 2dx for half a year.
We almost completed our first game on this engine and would like to make it online soon.
Basically we develop the game mainly on mac using XCode with iOS devices.
And we didn’t meet any significant obstacles to “porting” it to android.

When we starts to test, we met some problems exclusively on Android, to be more specific, on some of Android devices like Samsung Note II.
The problem is, in some occasion, for example I killed my game by app manager on android, and I will meet a dead lock for next time I launch my game.
After login, we could see the main page of the game with music playing in background, but all inputs seem to be ignored and no response at all.
Even you switch to android home page, you will hear the music continue playing in background until you kill the game manually again.

We’ve spent a week on investigating but no valuable clue founded.
Does anyone here could help or at least meet the same problem before?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this and sorry if I didn’t put it correctly.

Thanks in advance if anyone give shout or point a way out.


Does anyone look at this?
Please give advice.
