A problem with cocos2dx2.03 and cocosbuilder2.1

Hello, Dears

I have a problem with cocos2dx2.03 and cocosbuilder2.1

CCNode * node = ccbReader~~>readNodeGraphFromFile;
CCNode * node = ccbReader~~>readNodeGraphFromFile(pCCBFileName, this);

I can’t find how to set the picture path in new version, _

I put pictures to resouce path, but when have child layer , it’s have error: can’t find “ccDefaultImages.plist”, this is not my plist

I not know how to fixed


in windows error tip:
can’t find “ccDefaultImages.plist”

in IOS error tip:
can’t find “ccDefaultImages.png”

ok, ccDefaultImages error is ok.

because cocosbuilder’s editer not set the pic path , cocosbuilder use default setting.

I’m sorry but could you send me cocosbuilder 2.1 by email.
Because I am using cocos2d-x 2.0.3, it can not work fine with ccbi file (cocosbuilder2.0)
I always can not open cocosbuilder.com, and I don’t know why.
so… please.
thank you very much.

my email address: benimang@126.com

I sent , check your email plz.

tomcat L wrote:

Hello, Dears
I have a problem with cocos2dx2.03 and cocosbuilder2.1
CCNode * node = ccbReader~~>readNodeGraphFromFile;
CCNode * node = ccbReader~~>readNodeGraphFromFile(pCCBFileName, this);
I can’t find how to set the picture path in new version, _
I put pictures to resouce path, but when have child layer , it’s have error: can’t find “ccDefaultImages.plist”, this is not my plist
I not know how to fixed

I met the same problem too, how to fix it ?
thank you