a code fragment works well in xcode but doesn't in VC2010

there is a class

in .h
class A: public cocos2d::CCLayer, public B, public C

then in .cpp

void A::showComboReward(CCPoint pos, long combo_score)
CCSprite **scoreTip = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName;
scoreTip~~>runAction, 32, 1), CCCallFuncND::create, scoreTip), NULL));
this code works in Xcode very well, but when I compiled it in VC2010, it doesn’t work any longer with the log say that cann’t convert a A::**removeNode pointer to CCObject::*SEL_CallFuncND

that’s it~:D

2013-01-14 2:31
I got a new idea I can code like this CCCallFuncND::create(this, (SEL_CallFuncND)(callfuncND_selector(A::removeNode)), (void*)scoreTip), NULL))

en, I will try it when I back to home

no chinese here

I found the SEL_CallFuncND type have two parameter…