A Cocos 2Dx themable weather app. Wanted to share video of our tools

I know most of the stuff on here are games, but I wanted to share a project I have been working on for awhile. We have built a weather app on top of all the features of Cocos. Weather systems drive the particle systems and allow artist to create beautiful weather themes.

Here is a link to the app on itunes
Here is a link for android

We built a whole tool set to allow artists to build and sell there own themes. We have done some major things with the particle systems. My favorite is allowing artists to use sprite animations as a particles, and alot more.
I have a few videos of the software: video1 video2

The plan is release the software to eveyone in the near future. We would love to hear from all of you. If anyone is interested let me know. Thanks!

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Looks interesting, congrats on the release.

Very nice!

Is the editor tool in Cocos2d-x and for for Mac and Windows, or are you releasing it for say iPad & Android tablets too?

Thanks! The editor is in Cocos2D-x and currently only on the mac. If people start making themes and using the app we will port the editor to PC.

Very very nice of game engine use !
the editor is build with cocos2d-x ? or Qt ( some other GUI frame work ) + Cocos2d-x

Yeah, joining the question concerning the GUI in the editor: is it pure Cocos2d-x? It looks great.
The app itself looks awesome too!

Awesome work.
If the GUI system is built on cocos2d-x, i think it should be part of cocos2d-x:)

Thanks glad you guys think its cool. The editor uses Cocoa for the interface and cocos2dx just for rendering the scene inside of a cocoa NSView.