A bug found on "cocos2d-x-0.8.5".

The changeLog says that “CCLabelTTF can’t treat line breaks ‘’ correctly”

I wonder “CCLabelTTF” may still not correct. Please see the following codes.

CCLabelTTF* descripLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(tmpDescription.c_str(),CCSizeMake(360,60.0),CCTextAlignmentLeft,Font_Text,FontSize_Normal); 
descripLabel->setPosition(ccpAdd(star3Actor->getPosition(), ccp(215,0)));   

The text still is not word wrap.And It happens a new bug that words is shown on android like the effect used “CCTextAlignmentCenter”.
Please check out.

The changeLog is correct.
It can resolve “” only now.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

The changeLog is correct.
It can resolve "
" only now.

Er, I see.

Has the alignment on “0.8.5” all change to AlignmentCenter ?
On “0.8.4” it is AlignmentLeft, and CCTextAlignmentCenter does not work.But now becomes the CCTextAlignmentLeft not work, all is Center.

#547 has created to resolve it.