[9 Slice] not available for LoadingBar/ProgressBar

Hello Developers,

As I see in the code there’s a scale9 enabling API for LoadingBar
but it doesn’t seem to be there in Cocos Studio.

Layout, ImageView, Button has scale 9 options in studio.
However, if we are to use LoadingBar, in studio you have to add a long sprite.
and for different sizes different sprites.

If there’s a number of places where the progress bars are used and with different sizes, then we have to add different images, which is not optimal.

In fact, we should use -

  1. A scale 9 image in LoadingBar in cocos studio.
  2. Set the content size to define it’s 100% so changing the percentage value will scale accordingly.
  3. Reuse the same asset somewhere else to create a different LoadingBar with different size.

Also, we could use a single image and use node color to change it’s cosmetics.
Currently we use a large image.

This feature is not there in Cocos Studio as of now.
I assume that it should not be a very large overhead, as the API’s for that is already there in the engine and implemented with other classes already.

Any idea when it would come, may be with v3.11 ? any ETA if you guys are planning to have it.

What could be a current workaround to this scenario ?

@slackmoehrle just wondering if this request can be conveyed to the team, that would be great.
Thank you very much for your time. :smile:

Best Regards,

I don’t think there will be another release of Studio now that it is EOL’d.


Then what’s gonna be the Editor tool for Cocos now.
as CocosCreator is only for JS.

any other alternatives or project going on, if not released to public, we can take this from here to PM.

Creator will be the Editor. We are adding c++.

For v3.11, the same version of Studio will still ship.

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