3D Rolling Game

this simple game made by cocos2d-x, Enable anti-aliasing (AA) and small file size, smooth more than Unity


Congrats on the release! Can you give us more technical details? Is it a real 3D game? What tools did you use?

thanks @slackmoehrle , I use only blender

so what did you do for this?
I liked your game.

Edit rootViewController.mm
CCEAGLView *eaglView = [CCEAGLView viewWithFrame: [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds
pixelFormat: (__bridge NSString *)cocos2d::GLViewImpl::_pixelFormat
depthFormat: cocos2d::GLViewImpl::_depthFormat
preserveBackbuffer: NO
sharegroup: nil
multiSampling: YES
numberOfSamples: 4 ];


Thanks for the reply.
and What did you do for android?

Congratulations… It looks awesome.

Looks great, if you can add a blob shadow(fake shadow) it will look even better.

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