3D module namespace

Hi, guys

As you may read in the v3.3 release note, we will bind 3D modules in Cocos2d-JS v3.4

The task is going very well, we already have some 3d test cases running, here are the screen shots:

As the web engine won’t have all the 3D features for now, we can’t put these features into cc namespace (that’s a rule we made for Cocos2d-JS API), so we are wondering what kind of namespace do you want us to put the 3D module. Here are three propositions:

  1. jsb.Sprite3D
  2. 3d.Sprite3D
  3. jsb.3d.Sprite3D

Please tell us what you think about it, thanks


  1. jsb.Sprite3D as the jsb is for native engine.


for web+native : 3d.Sprite3D
Because i think jsb should only be used for native only

This will be native only, because we don’t intend to add 3D features in the web engine for now (probably not in the near future)

ok, i thought you said that web engine would have less features than native.

so my answer is jsb.3d.Sprite3D

jsb.Sprite3D :slight_smile:

Edit having checked the api for the JS i think its better to have jsb.3D.Sprite3D as in the future if we have more 3D related features we can have its own separate namespace for everything inside the 3D realm

Hi, all

Thank you for your suggestions.
We have opened the same discussion in our Chinese forum


And turns out jsb.Sprite3D is the most favorite one with 17 out of 18. In total:

  1. jsb.Sprite3D: 18
  2. 3d.Sprite3D: 1
  3. jsb.3d.Sprite3D: 3

So we are using jsb.Sprite3D finally, here is the Pull Request


Hope you like it.

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