[3.2] Plugin-X InterfaceSocial not enabled for IOS

Hi dear cocos2d-x developers.
I want to develop a “Social” plugin on ios but the file PluginFactory.mm that checks the plugins validity is not complete and does not recognize the ProtocolSocial and the InterfaceSocial.

It’s pratically nothing to fix (few missing lines) can you correct it for the 3.3 version?
Here the fix to add:

    #include "ProtocolSocial.h"
    #import "InterfaceSocial.h"
and line 100 the following block :
    else if ([obj conformsToProtocol:@protocol(InterfaceSocial)]) {
            pRet = new ProtocolSocial();

Thanks for posting the bug, :smile:
I created a bug to keep track of it

Should be fixed in the latest but still need to merge to cocos2d-x

Thank you!