3.15.1 crash in iOS 11 beta 4

It may due to [CCEAGLView swapBuffers], the app runs properly in iOS 11 beta 3.
What did Apple changed? Any ideas?


Does it happen rarely or constantly? Because I’ve seen that error a few times in the past, but it seemed to appear randomly and not often.

Yes, it happens every time.
I’ve tried to pack an IPA and it just work fine, only debug runs keep crashing.

I’ll try and get Beta 4 and check if it happens to me too.

I’m getting a different error (it crashes when trying to call applicationDidFinishLaunching()), but it is crashing for me too. I might investigate tomorrow if nobody has a solution by then.

Yes, i met the crash every time in xcode 9beta and ios 11 beta4

The workaround is as follows


Works for me.

This workaround solved the problem!
Thank you.