[3.0rc1]Game crashes when enter Chinese(also Japanese) words that wider than control button to an Editbox

error is:
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: vector

Has anyone got some idea with this problem?- -

Using font with traditional methods will avoid the problem.Don’t use “filename.ttf” directly with label!!
I hope this problem will be completely solved.

Which platform did you test on?
How did you use EditBox?

It crashed with iOS simulators and iPhone(I only tested in iPhone4s and iPhone5).
Using as:

It crashed when width of Chinese words input longer than width of editbox.

I add .ttf file in info.plist and replace using method with:

It works well and won’t crash,but characters will stroked with gray borders as previously reported: