3.0rc0 cocosgui.h can't open file "UI/UIWidget.h"

Version:cocos2dx3.0 rc0 , VS2012

I have copy some directory paths to the c++ attached contain directory.
and so on.

I also add libraries , like libGUI.lib , libCocosStudio, libExtensions and so on.

But VS2012 tell me errors, cocosgui.h can’t open file “UI/UIWidget.h”
who can help me? good luck.

I think you should use “ui/UIWidget.h” instead. The folder name is “ui”, not “UI”.

@zhangxm wrote:

I think you should use “ui/UIWidget.h” instead. The folder name is “ui”, not “UI”.

I am sorry, it is my spell error, but it also occur the error

Add this to your directory paths:


What you have at the moment is $(EngineRoot)cocos\ui so when VS2012 is looking for ui/Widget.h it does something like this: $(EngineRoot)cocos\ui\ + ui/Widget.h
And that directory does not exists.

With $(EngineRoot)cocos, VS2012 will do $(EngineRoot)cocos\ + ui/Widget.h
And that’s a win!

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Thank you ,It is cool, Get it:P

I’m having the same issue when running the build_native.py script. That makes sense but in this case where would I actually put this path extension in? The script itself?


add path like below in proj.android/jni/Android.mk

LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../Classes \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos/ui \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/cocos/editor-support \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../cocos2d/extensions \