2.2 with iOS 7 as target linker errors

58 similar to this:

Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
“cocos2d::CCDictionary::objectForKey(std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&)”, referenced from:
, char const**) in CCBAnimationManager.o
cocos2d::extension::CCBAnimationManager::actionForCallbackChannel(cocos2d::extension::CCBSequenceProperty*) in CCBAnimationManager.o
cocos2d::extension::CCBAnimationManager::runAnimationsForSequenceIdTweenDuration(int, float) in CCBAnimationManager.o
cocos2d::extension::ActionManager::getActionByName(char const**, char const**) in CCActionManager.o
cocos2d::extension::CCArmatureAnimation::play(char const*, int, int, int, int) in CCArmatureAnimation.o
cocos2d::extension::CCArmature::addBone(cocos2d::extension::CCBone**, char const**) in CCArmature.o
cocos2d::extension::CCArmature::getBone(char const*) const in CCArmature.o

I’m also getting this error (plus 57 other similar errors) with cocos2dx 2.2. I had a project that was working fine with Cocos2d-x 2.1, but the same code is producing these error in 2.2. Has anyone gotten past this?

It appears these errors occur when you set the deployment target to 7.0 under General-Deployment Info. If you change it to 6.1 it links.

Hm. Is there a difference between iOS 6.1 and iOS 7 regarding libstdc++ ?

I am also having this exact same issue with the deployment target 7.0, but I’ve only tried it in 2.2.

I got same error with cocos2d-x v2.2 too. It works after changing the “iOS Deployment Target” of cocos2dx to ios 7.0 which was ios 5.0 by default.

refer to attached screenshot for details.

hope it helps.

Great catch Devon, that fixed it! Thank you!

This Xcode 5 setting might work better

I got the error about the same as this but the warning is
ignoring file libcocos2dx.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (armv7)

I am trying to make a build on actual iPhone 5 with the followings
XCode 5, iOS 7 and cocos2d-v2.2

I have tried to change the target linker of cocos2d-x to iOS 7 and rebuild but no helps

I’m having similar problems using a javascript project, i post it here because it appears similar issues. It works fine on the ios simulator, but when I’m trying to use it on a ipad3 version 6.1 then appears lots of linker errors.
I’ve tried changing different values in the following fields, but i haven’t found how to build it.
IOS Deployment target of my project
IOS Deployment target of cocos2dx project
CLanguage Dialect
Standart Library

I should upgrade the ipad to IOS 7.0 to make cocos2dx work?

Ok sorry i just created a new project from a new folder and it works, i’ve got some errors on my previous project.