2.0.1 New version - new problems: a simple 2D game with v2.0 shaders?

So…I moved my project on new 2.0.1 version and the application no longer runs on some computers. These computers all have an integrated video card, so I think that problem is in new Shaders. How can I resolve this problem? Maybe i should disable cocos2d-x 2.0.1 shaders?

Since 2.0.1 use Open GL instead of OpenGL ES, in theory, it can run smoothly on all PC supports OpenGL 4.1 and higher.
Try to upgrade your driver for video card, then verify the version of OpenGL.

OpengGL 4.1 is too much 4 simple 2D game. Many office computers and netbooks dont support OpenGL 4.1 but can easily run all the 2D Games.
So I need to ensure that my game will run well on the lot of computers. Is the only way - migrate to older versions on engine?

I agree Ilya Soloviev,
2.0.1 HelloWorld crash too in my old machine(MX440),but 1.3 HelloWorld can run.

I may migrate to older versions perhaps.

Cocos2d-x running on Windows only for development and testing. If yore using this engine on production in windows - get ready for war with the difficulties.

We use OpenGL instead of OpenGL ES on windows is because it will crash on many computers.
Cocos2d-x 2.0.1 uses OpenGL ES 2.0.
I think your problem is that, your video card doesn’t support shaders.